24  Mentioning

I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to the developer and investor of quarto. It was the main tool that was used to create this webpage of my master thesis. As you can see, it looks quite fancy, offers some nice features, e.g., the interactive 3D plot of tornado. Next, during the creation of the master thesis, some tools were used extensively. Without those, the research conducted through this master thesis, would have not been possible. Among these are, the programming language Python, the libraries NumPy, scikit-learn, SciPy, plotly, my code editor vscode, the free online translator DeepL and many more. Python is great because of its remarkable amount of open-source libraries. You probably do not calculate any vector or matrix operation without NumPy. The documentation, the ease of switching between machine learning algorithms and the vast amount of implemented algorithms is more than impressive: scikit-learn. Doing some computational science, SciPy is a fantastic friend and also the documentation has improved a lot. Usually people use Matplotlib which is understandable, it is a very powerful library. However, the looks and the interactivity that plotly offers is incredible. Regarding my code editor vscode, what can I say, I use it for Python, Julia, Java, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Json, XML, Latex, Markdown, git ….. Having user defined short-keys for nearly everything, writing own add-ons or just downloading all kinds of add-ons from the extension market is undeniably efficient.

Many thanks to professor Steve Brunton and Nathan Kutz for their amazing free online lectures and their data driven book. Special thanks to the creator of these beautiful animations, which are used on this website and will be linked to later.

Since I used a lot of free software, I believe it is proper etiquette to mention and acknowledge them. One important aspect of open source software is the license. Often it demands that if the source code was modified, a copy of the original license is made available and or a link to the original license is provided. No modification of the source code happened within this master thesis, neither in the HTML nor in the PDF version. Listing the tools with their license shall show my gratitude and appreciation for their work. The latter can be found in the following table. It shall provide the name of the tool/library/program and its corresponding license. The visitor can click on the first link to be directed to the license distributor’s site. The second option, if available, is to click on the second link, which shows the general copies of the licenses within this website.

Licenses of used open source tools
Tool License
Python Python license
NumPy BSD 3-Clause (general copy in 25)
scikit-learn BSD 3-Clause (general copy in 25)
SciPy BSD 3-Clause (general copy in 25
plotly MIT (general copy in 25)
vscode MIT (general copy in 25)
DeepL DeepL free
Matplotlib Matplotlib license
Pandoc GNU GPL v2 (general copy in 25)
Bootstrap 5.1 MIT (general copy in 25)
Bootswatch 5.1 MIT (general copy in 25)
Deno MIT (general copy in 25)
esbuild MIT (general copy in 25)
Dart Sass MIT (general copy in 25)
Quarto GNU GPL v2 (general copy in 25)
LanguageTool LanguageTool free
Grammarly Grammarly free
Inkscape GNU GPL v2 (general copy in 25)
LottiFiles Lottie Simple License (general copy in 25)
dotLottie MIT (general copy in 25)
Floating UI MIT (general copy in 25)
Tippy.js MIT (general copy in 25)
Latex Latex license
Ionicons MIT (general copy in 25)
manypixels License
giscus MIT (general copy in 25)
hypothesis BSD 2-Clause
Feather MIT (general copy in 25)
Rembg MIT (general copy in 25)

24.0.1 Animations and images

Thank to some special people who uploaded their beautiful work on LottiFiles.

  1. The Pakistani Rikschah can be found at Pak Rik and my thanks goes to. Note, this file was modified a bit. I am a muslim and I am not sure, if I am allowed to have drawings of cartoons included. It might be that the Almighty asks me, on the day of resurrection, whether I can bring life into these drawings. Obviously, I cannot give live, thus, to be on the safe side, I removed the driver in the original animation.

  2. The Bismillah animation and my thanks goes to

  3. The mosque animiation, thank you

  4. The paper and pen animation, thank you

  5. The aircraft animation, thank you

  6. The rocket animation, thank you. The rocket animation was modfied by me.

There is a black board that appears, when hovering over abbreviations. This blackboard was generated using two different icon providers and some modifications: board, star and moon.

24.0.2 Quarto tools

  1. collapse-callout, MIT, (general copy in 25)
  2. Lightbox, MIT, (general copy in 25)